syntax representation

英 [ˈsɪntæks ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˈsɪntæks ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn]




  1. Similarly, the member name syntax is converted into internal form and the member name is converted into name service representation.
  2. This routine resolves the syntax to be used for entry and then converts the entry passed into the name service representation.
  3. Datum-> syntax-object converts a list to the more abstract syntax object representation.
  4. Next, it checks for the correct entry name syntax and creates a name service representation of this entry name from the runtime representation.
  5. We are fully compatible with Xtext ( a tool that provides you a textual syntax for your domain model) and EEF ( a tool that provides you a form representation for your domain model).
  6. More importantly, it does not have to assume anything about the structure or syntax of the URI it used to fetch that representation.
  7. Strictly speaking, the AST ( abstract syntax tree) is also an IR ( intermediate representation)– since it is not quite the source, and not quite the target language.
  8. The style of literary works especially fictions lies not only in the linguistic features on the level of phonetics, lexis and syntax, but is also represented in narrative patterns or techniques such as the characters 'mode of speech or thought representation in the work.
  9. Its syntax extends OWL and its semantics is based on CARIN, a representation language combining description logic and Horn rules.
  10. The traditional methods of NLI designing include pattern-matching, syntax analysis, semantic grammar, and intermediate representation languages.
  11. This paper presents the semantic vector space model, a text representation and searching technique based on heuristic syntax parsing and distributed representation of semantic case structures.
  12. In this paper, based on an overview of the syntax structure of email, the method of representing the mail header and the mail body is presented. The method solves the representation of complex email entity structure.
  13. We give the syntax, representation of multilevel rules and discuss the execution of it.
  14. In this environment, program is represented as a syntax tree, and all tools for programming share the common internal syntax tree representation.
  15. Semantic components overflow is the internal requirement of syntax, seman-tic structure and pragmatic expression, the representation of speaker's cognitive process as well as the outcome of the attenuating of language development.
  16. Frame Tree is an effective method representing syntax structure of natural language. In this paper, an analytical algorithm creating SSFT and representation method of syntax knowledge are provided, and the character of the algorithm is analyzed.
  17. Syntax Priming and Syntax Representation in Speech Production
  18. Abstract Syntax Tree, referred as intermediate representation of program, has many applications in Program Analysis.
  19. The semantic, syntax and lexical knowledge representation model are built.
  20. The reason is that the shortest dependency path has noise interference brought by the appositive dependency relation. The noise information not only increases the complexity of the syntax tree representation, but also hampers the recognition and judgment of a classifier.